We are old-timers and newcomers. We are teachers, artists, social workers, counselors, retirees, students, and caregivers.

Who We Are

Vote the Ridge is an all-volunteer group in lower northwest Philadelphia dedicated to:

  • Increasing local participation in and understanding of the political process;

  • Supporting open and democratically-run ward organizations;

  • Creating forums for discussion of public questions and political issues;

  • Supporting political candidates who are advocates for progressive values and policies; and

  • Introducing candidates to the general public.


Executive Board 2024-2026:

President:  Rebecca Poyourow

Vice President:  Debby Dowlin

Secretary:  Kati Rutkowski

Treasurer:  Anne Bower

Directors:  Josh Finkelstein, Carol Franczyk, Jamie Labov, and Dan Merin


Vote the Ridge began in 2020 as an initiative of several progressive Democratic Committee People who wanted to educate neighbors about the new vote-by-mail option during the pandemic. With our work in 2020, we reached over 10,000 voters and helped increase our neighborhood turnout by 25% over the 2016 results.

In successive elections, Vote the Ridge has increased turnout by several thousand votes in each campaign it has launched. Most recently, in the fall of 2023, we increased the turnout for Democratic state judicial candidates by 40% over the previous state judicial election, and simultaneously saw support for Kendra Brooks and Nicolas O’Rourke double in our area, helping ensure their election to City Council.

Interested in getting involved?